negotiate through personalities
relate to people at the body level
induce behavior and forestall reactions
address a person's active body system
Recent Discoveries
Take advantage of behavioral science saying personality is shaped by the active body system and unconditioned reflex.
Take advantage of behavioral science saying personality is shaped by the active body system and unconditioned reflex.
Modern Tech
Benefit from our machine learning personality profiling to identify a person’s active reflex and linked personality traits.
Benefit from our machine learning personality profiling to identify a person’s active reflex and linked personality traits.
Actual Problems
Use our in-person service that can equip you with arguments, talking points, image based on traits of opponents in conflicts.
Use our in-person service that can equip you with arguments, talking points, image based on traits of opponents in conflicts.
Human Values
Relate better and reduce stress of opponents, decisions makers, leaders, returning them to a constructive dialogue.
Relate better and reduce stress of opponents, decisions makers, leaders, returning them to a constructive dialogue.


4 Human body systems
4 Main unconditioned reflexes
4 Types of personality to know
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diplomatic negotiations
legal battles
lobbying and activism
political talks

We create communication that resolve conflicts
knowing how to relate to opponents' personalities.
Once you have complex negotiations
contact us
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anonymous profiling
The first step is to upload a person's or yours original speech or text and related data. If the text is not in English, please, translate it and copy+paste from any translation service.
The first step is to upload a person's or yours original speech or text and related data. If the text is not in English, please, translate it and copy+paste from any translation service.
immediate outcomes
Then see if the computing model can recognize a person’s type (extract the necessary meaningful information) from the uploaded data. If ‘yes’, you'll be able to proceed to payment.
Then see if the computing model can recognize a person’s type (extract the necessary meaningful information) from the uploaded data. If ‘yes’, you'll be able to proceed to payment.
complete personality
Receive by email a report describing a person’s qualities, like strategy, logic, focus, aim, competitiveness type shaped by a person's most active body system and unconditioned reflex.
Receive by email a report describing a person’s qualities, like strategy, logic, focus, aim, competitiveness type shaped by a person's most active body system and unconditioned reflex.
predicting behaviors
Finally, in the report, find tips on communication with a person or on personal strength, if the person is you. And please ensure you read the legal terms before you start using the service.
Finally, in the report, find tips on communication with a person or on personal strength, if the person is you. And please ensure you read the legal terms before you start using the service.